Coal Wage Agreement X

Coal Wage Agreement X: Understanding the Latest Agreement

With the increasing demand for energy resources, coal mines play a crucial role in meeting the country`s energy needs. However, the importance of the coal mining industry is often undermined by the challenges that workers face in this sector. One of the most significant issues is the wage that coal miners receive. The Coal Wage Agreement X is a significant development in this area, and it is essential to understand it thoroughly.

What Is the Coal Wage Agreement X?

Coal Wage Agreement X is a five-year wage settlement deal between the Coal India Limited (CIL) management and the workers` unions. The agreement covers approximately 3.5 lakh workers across eight subsidiaries of CIL. The agreement is a culmination of months of negotiations and discussions between the management and the workers` unions.

What Are the Key Highlights of the Coal Wage Agreement X?

Some of the key highlights of the Coal Wage Agreement X are as follows:

1. Wage Hike: The Coal Wage Agreement X has provided for a 20% hike in wages. The increase will be applicable from July 2021 and will benefit all categories of workers.

2. Variable Dearness Allowance (VDA): The VDA, which is linked to inflation, will be revised every six months. The increase in VDA will be based on the average All India Consumer Price Index.

3. Gratuity: The agreement has also revised the gratuity ceiling from Rs. 10 lakhs to Rs. 20 lakhs.

4. Other Allowances: The agreement has provided for a revision in other allowances, including leave encashment, washing allowance, and transport allowance.

What Does the Coal Wage Agreement X Mean for the Workers?

The Coal Wage Agreement X is a significant development for the workers in the coal mining industry. The wage hike will provide a much-needed relief to the workers, who have been struggling to make ends meet due to the rising cost of living. The revision in other allowances is also an important provision that will improve the workers` overall working conditions.

The revision in the gratuity ceiling is also a welcome move. It will ensure that the workers receive adequate compensation in case of termination or retirement. The revision in the VDA will link wages with inflation, ensuring that the workers` purchasing power is not eroded due to rising prices.


The Coal Wage Agreement X is a positive development for the coal mining industry. The agreement has provided a significant hike in wages and has also revised other allowances, including gratuity. The revision in the VDA will ensure that wages are linked to inflation, which is a crucial provision. The agreement will provide much-needed relief to the workers who have been struggling to make ends meet. Overall, the Coal Wage Agreement X is a step in the right direction and is an important milestone in the coal mining industry`s history.

Posted in Allgemein.